2.11 ROOFS Roof pitches and overhangs shall be appropriate for the selected style of the home. In general, massing consistent with the style is required and simplicity is preferred to accommodate solar installations. * Roofs should be configured in basic roof shapes based on the plan configuration forms to which they are covering. * A variety of roof breaks (roofs that turn a corner or change elevation) should be provided only when appropriate. Overly complicated roofs that detract from the elegance of style or ability to install solar should be avoided. * Overhanging eaves, when appropriate to a style, shall have exposed rafter tails, with 3 feet minimum for rafter tail thickness. Enclosed eaves are permitted if style appropriate. * All flashing, sheet metal, vent stacks and pipes shall be painted to match the adjacent building surfaces. * Exterior walls shall offset vertically or horizontally so that the eave of one roof does not intersect the rake of another. * Rake details will be scrutinized, avoid clunky or visually heavy installations. Rake tiles are prohibited. * Avoid roof slopes that terminate into a vertical wall. If it does occur (e.g. chimney stack), a properly flashed cricket is required to shed water away from vertical wall. * Roof line framing which creates a variety of roof designs along the street scene shall be provided. * Chimneys shall match the character and style of the home and not extend above the code required height. General Architectural Criteria 2-28