2.14 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN To address the climatic behavior of Rancho Mirage and the aridness of the desert, sustainable design is encouraged. The objective for encouraging sustainable design is to deliver high quality home construction that provides energy and cost savings for the end user as well as greater comfort for the residents. The Cotinoâ„¢ community will include a strong commitment to environmental stewardship and responsible building. Drawing inspiration from the natural desert context, the site will be richly landscaped with climate sensitive plantings, and reclaimed nonpotable water will irrigate plantings throughout the community, including residential landscapes. The pathways will create a walkable neighborhood. Building designs will incorporate best practices for enhancing environmental sustainability. Designs will be compatible with Coachella Valley Water District water efficiency and replenishment goals. Specific commitments of the community include: * All single family and multifamily residences below four stories will include solar panels in compliance with California law. * Buildings will be designed to facilitate and accommodate sustainable alternative power generation. * Architectural features that increase interior daylighting, such as light shelves that bounce light further into interior spaces, should be installed where feasible to reduce the need for additional electrical light. LED lighting should be the primary source of lighting in the community. * The use of lighter-colored roofing materials to reflect heat and reduce cooling requirements of buildings, particularly Energy Star-labeled roofing materials, is strongly encouraged. General Architectural Criteria 2-32