Cotino - 2-33

* The community will seek strategic partnerships to allow
homebuilders to make available to residences battery
storage of generated solar energy as a purchase or lease
option. This should include the opportunity for connection
to software that permits load shaping and maximizes
renewable energy, including resiliency from impacts of
storms and other natural disasters.
* Weather-based smart irrigation controllers will be located
in common areas and strategic use of turf will generally be
limited to public recreational spaces. Target residential rear
yard turf areas shall be limited to locations near patios and
other highly used spaces and subject to approval in the
design review process. No turf is permitted in residential
front yards.
Specific Area Objectives
The following are specific areas suggested for builders to focus
on in order to build more sustainable homes. In addition to
these elements, Title 24 of the California Building Code and
local jurisdictional regulations shall be consulted.
* Reduce the total energy demand and peak use as compared
to homes built to the standards of the existing building code.
* Facilitate the replacement of a significant amount of the
total energy needs with solar energy.
* Create energy systems and home construction that save
the homeowner money.
February 2022


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Cotino

Table of Contents
Cotino - Cover1
Cotino - i
Cotino - Table of Contents
Cotino - iii
Cotino - iv
Cotino - 1-1
Cotino - 1-2
Cotino - 1-3
Cotino - 1-4
Cotino - 1-5
Cotino - 1-6
Cotino - 1-7
Cotino - 1-8
Cotino - 1-9
Cotino - 1-10
Cotino - 1-11
Cotino - 1-12
Cotino - 1-13
Cotino - 1-14
Cotino - 1-15
Cotino - 1-16
Cotino - 1-17
Cotino - 1-18
Cotino - 1-19
Cotino - 1-20
Cotino - 1-21
Cotino - 1-22
Cotino - 1-23
Cotino - 1-24
Cotino - 1-25
Cotino - 1-26
Cotino - 1-27
Cotino - 1-28
Cotino - 1-29
Cotino - 1-30
Cotino - 1-31
Cotino - 1-32
Cotino - 1-33
Cotino - 1-34
Cotino - 1-35
Cotino - 1-36
Cotino - 1-37
Cotino - 1-38
Cotino - 1-39
Cotino - 1-40
Cotino - 1-41
Cotino - 1-42
Cotino - 2-1
Cotino - 2-2
Cotino - 2-3
Cotino - 2-4
Cotino - 2-5
Cotino - 2-6
Cotino - 2-7
Cotino - 2-8
Cotino - 2-9
Cotino - 2-10
Cotino - 2-11
Cotino - 2-12
Cotino - 2-13
Cotino - 2-14
Cotino - 2-15
Cotino - 2-16
Cotino - 2-17
Cotino - 2-18
Cotino - 2-19
Cotino - 2-20
Cotino - 2-21
Cotino - 2-22
Cotino - 2-23
Cotino - 2-24
Cotino - 2-25
Cotino - 2-26
Cotino - 2-27
Cotino - 2-28
Cotino - 2-29
Cotino - 2-30
Cotino - 2-31
Cotino - 2-32
Cotino - 2-33
Cotino - 2-34
Cotino - 2-35
Cotino - 2-36
Cotino - 2-37
Cotino - 2-38
Cotino - 2-39
Cotino - 2-40
Cotino - 2-41
Cotino - 2-42
Cotino - 2-43
Cotino - 2-44
Cotino - 2-45
Cotino - 2-46
Cotino - 2-47
Cotino - 2-48
Cotino - 3-1
Cotino - 3-2
Cotino - 3-3
Cotino - 3-4
Cotino - 3-5
Cotino - 3-6
Cotino - 3-7
Cotino - 3-8
Cotino - 3-9
Cotino - 3-10
Cotino - 3-11
Cotino - 3-12
Cotino - 3-13
Cotino - 3-14
Cotino - 3-15
Cotino - 3-16
Cotino - 3-17
Cotino - 3-18
Cotino - 3-19
Cotino - 3-20
Cotino - 3-21
Cotino - 3-22
Cotino - 4-1
Cotino - 4-2