Table 3-2: Conventional 50' Wide Lots Development Standards Element Requirement Lot Area (min.) 5,500 S.F. Lot Width (min.) 50' (55' for corner lots) Lot Depth (min.) 110' 50' WIDE LOTS Building Height (max.) 2-Stories/35'* Building Coverage (max.) 50% Front Setbacks (min)*****. Porch/Veranda 10' Buildings 20' Side Facing Garages/Pools/Spas 15' Front Facing Garages 20'** Side Setbacks from Property Line (min). Building 5'*** Pool/Spa 2' Corner Side Setbacks from Property Line (min). Porch/Veranda 10' Building 10' Garage (Facing) 20' Pool/Spa 5' Rear Setbacks from Property Line (min). Building 15'**** Alley Garage 5' Pool/Spa 5' Parking (in garage) 2 per Unit *Site Plan Subject to Change Guest Space (on-site or on-street) 2 per Unit Driveway Width (min.) 14' Notes: *Second story SF shall not exceed 60% of building footprint. **Front facing garages shall be a minimum 5' recessed from front building plane, porch or veranda. ***One side yard can be reduced to 0' for zero lot line conditions. ****Minimum rear setback can be reduced to 5' for 40% of the developed portion of the lot width (not including applicable side yard setbacks). *****Setbacks are measured from back of curb, edge of pavement (for streets without raised curb), back of sidewalk (if present), or public ROW (if present). 3-13 February 2022