Table 3-7: Conventional 140' Wide Lots Development Standards Element Requirement Lot Area (min.) 28,000 S.F. Lot Width (min.) 140' (150' for corner lots) Lot Depth (min.) 200' Building Height (max.) 1-story/20' Building Coverage (max.) 35% Front Setbacks (min)*. Porch/Veranda 25' Buildings 30' Side Facing Garages/Pools/Spas 25' Front Facing Garages 30' Side Setbacks from Property Line (min). Interior Side Yard (to Living Space) 10' Pool/Spa 10' Corner Side Setbacks from Property Line (min). Porch/Veranda 20' Building 20' Garage (Facing) 25' Pool/Spa 15' Rear Setbacks from Property Line (min). Building 25' Alley Garage 5' Pool/Spa 10' Parking (in garage) 2 per Unit Guest Space (on-site or on-street) 2 per Unit Driveway Width (min.) 15' *Setbacks are measured from back of curb, edge of pavement (for streets without raised curb), back of sidewalk (if present), or public ROW (if present). *Site Plan Subject to Change 140' WIDE LOTS Development Standards 3-22