3.1.3 PLOTTING Each neighborhood should be designed for compatibility within itself, using a blend of architectural styles and a tastefully balanced palette of colors and materials. Although visual character is encouraged from one house to the next, architectural designs shall avoid clashing in order to achieve a restful uniformity within each builder enclave. The following general concepts should be considered when planning for and designing neighborhoods. Additional product specific criteria can be found in Section 3.3: Lot Types. * Design and site buildings with a strong physical relationship to public areas of the community. This includes walkways from front doors/entry gates to street sidewalks, windows and viewports from homes and gates to street, front doors facing streets when front yard walls are not used. * Implement architectural enhancements in appropriate ways and in areas of high visibility (i.e. corner homes, front elevations without frontage walls). * Emphasize pedestrian access and connections to common areas with wayfinding devices, landscaping, pathway lighting, and sidewalks. 3-5 February 2022