Figure L.9 illustrates a typical front yard plan for a row of 90' or 70' residential lots. Each front yard includes tags that indicate the number of different species for trees, shrubs, groundcovers, etc. to illustrate the intended diversity of the plant palette. Plant materials of different sizes, colors, and textures are encouraged. Plantings should be layered from the groundplane using smaller plants near the sidewalk and transitioning up to larger plants near the building foundation or courtyard wall. Groundplane plant coverage should equal 45%-55% of the total planter area. ST R EE T 90' & 70' WIDE LOT ZONE KEY PLAN Zone 1A Zone 1B Zone 1C S3 S1 G1 G1 S1 S2 A1 T1 T1 G1 V1 S2 S1 A1 T1 V1 S3 S2 REFER TO FIGURE L.5 FOR PARKWAY (ZONE 1A). ST R E E T FIGURE L.9 Map subject to change NOTES: - TYPICAL PLANTING DESIGN FOR CHARACTER REFERENCE ONLY. INDIVIDUAL LOT LANDSCAPES TO VARY. REFER TO FIGURE L.12 FOR PLANTING SCHEDULE. - WHERE NO SIDEWALK IS PROVIDED, ZONE 1A IS TO EXTEND 10FT BEYOND BACK OF STREET CURB. 30' © Disney. Content should not be duplicated or distributed without written authorization. DRAFT - Subject To Change T Medium or Small Trees A Large Desert Specimens S Shrubs / Cacti / Succulents G Groundcovers V Vines 30 60'