FIGURE L.3 Map subject to change Front Yard Areas The residential lot area subject to the landscape design guidelines is illustrated in Figure L.3. Generally, this is the visible area between a residence and a street that faces a park, or is part of a streetscape where it is important to maintain an established landscape design continuity. This front yard area is termed 'Zone 1' and is further designated as follows: * Zone 1A: The 'parkway' landscape between the street curb and sidewalk. This is under the scope of the Developer. * Zone 1B: The area between the sidewalk and the residence or courtyard wall that is visible from the street. The area is under the scope of the Home Builder. * Zone 1C: Areas within the courtyard that are highly visible, such as parking courts with wide driveway openings. This area is under the scope of the Home Builder. Zone 2 and Zone 3 are subject to the landscape design guidelines. These areas are private interior courtyards and rear yards that are concealed from view of the street by walls and fences. How to address Non-potable water use in Zones 1B & 1C * Potential companion book for Home Owners - Design Guidelines * If no sidewalk - Zone 1B extends to parkway (by Builder) 5' WIDE SIDEWALK 10' WIDE PARKWAY Zone 1A Zone 1B Zone 1C Zone 2 Zone 3 PARK SEPARATE DOCUMENT © Disney. Content should not be duplicated or distributed without written authorization. DRAFT - Subject To Change ST R E E T