Parkway Type A Geometric Pattern Landscape Parkway Type A utilizes a combination of shrubs and groundcovers in both a formal, geometric layout and an informal, organic pattern. * Geometric-patterned sections of the parkway shall extend to a maximum of forty feet (40') in length before being punctuated with a driveway or section of planting in an informal pattern (see Figure L.6A). * Street trees within the planter are per the final site plan and are installed by the Developer. * Groundplane planting is the responsbility of the Builder or Homeowner. * All parkways shall also feature a section of accent planting opposite the main pedestrian entrance to each residence. These 'accent gardens' shall feature plant species that bloom in the winter and spring seasons, providing a unique seasonal interest to the residential landscape. INFORMAL PLANT MASSINGS GEOMETRIC PLANTING PATTERN © Disney. Content should not be duplicated or distributed without written authorization. DRAFT - Subject To Change