Walt Disney World Marathon 2008 - (Page 3)
This rathon Weekend! DISNEY WORLD® Ma t in the 2008 WALT SNEY WORLD® participan of the first WALT DI ially accepted as a ary of the running ions on being offic nivers Congratulat lp us celebrate emorate the 15th an ts history and to he stone as we comm moment in our spor we reach a new mile year is special Resort. be here to share th T DISNEY WORLD® rilled that you will runners at the WAL Marathon. I am th ed by thousands of liz that have been rea 15 years of dreams in 2008 we are tly announced that e true, and we recen m ORLD® ce where dreams co the WALT DISNEY W LD® Resort is a pla During your trip to tic WALT DISNEY WOR for one final year. tainment, a fantas lebration chanting new enter a Million Dreams ce inuing The Year of ey dreams. Enjoy en sn cont me live out more Di day. , you’re invited to co for our guests every Marathon Weekend st Members create magic Disney Ca the dream-making nd new attraction and ® Marathon Weeke ALT DISNEY WORLD rs who make the W part of this very Voluntee Cast Members and ank you for being a of the thousands of ty, I would like to th Socie e On behalf emia & Lymphoma ce journey and thos neficiary, The Leuk moment of your ra ble, and our race be u to celebrate every yo possi ration, I encourage g with our own celeb special event. Alon u reach this point. who have helped yo rate the moment. hievements. Celeb . Celebrate your ac roes . Celebrate your he Celebrate your fans In the spirit of spor ts, B:11.25 in T:10.5 in S:10 in Reggie Williams Vice President ctions Disney Sports Attra
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Walt Disney World Marathon 2008
Table of Contents
Welcome Letter
Weekend Itinerary
Marathon Course
Half Marathon Course
Disney’s Health and Fitness Expo Information
Disney’s Family Fun Run 5K and Kids’ Races
Weekend Information
Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge
15th Anniversary Tribute
Pacing Requirements/Results and Runner Tracking
Awards Ceremony
Post Race Celebration
Medical Information
Spectator Information
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Official Race Merchandise
Walt Disney World Marathon 2008