Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 4



s I look back on 40 years of crafting wines with our talented production team, I realize that my enthusiasm for winemaking has only
grown since my first day at Jordan in 1976. I never imagined that I could be this satisfied for such a long period of time working
for one winery. John Jordan is dynamic with such a clear vision for producing the best wine possible-similar to chateau owners
of Bordeaux's First Growths. It has been a privilege to share in such a lofty pursuit. This year, Jordan is coming off a string of exceptional
harvests-2012, 2013, 2014 and our ruby anniversary of 2015-and I feel more energized than ever. We're truly in our best years of
winemaking at Jordan.
Starting in the spring, my conception of the "perfect wine" coincides with bud break. At that point, nature wields a far stronger hand than
my best human efforts. So, adjustments are made along the way to the final day of harvest-manipulations in canopy management and crop
size of the grapevines-all to establish a balance of flavors that are so dependent on the physiological maturity of each and every cluster.
This maturity is confirmed at the very moment when we crush the fruit in the hopper and the intense varietal aromas are released.
This year, we are debuting the 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon and 2014 Chardonnay. I cannot express how exceptional these vintages are.
When Assistant Winemaker Maggie Kruse and I received our growers' freshly picked fruit at the winery, we celebrated every gondola
that passed through the hopper. Classic vintages share a common bond in the consistent uniformity of fruit maturity. This is evident
with the 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon. Honestly, I have never seen a year where every grower excelled in delivering such phenomenal fruit.
Similar to 2012, 2014 was marked by a succession of days where the weather was neither too cold nor too hot-perfect for the development
of intense apple, pear aromas and flavors that define the style of our Russian River Chardonnay.
Could one of the aforementioned be the "Vintage of the Century"-a title some winemakers throw around more than curve balls at
spring training? That is for you to determine, but for us, we get the chance to pursue that ultimate accolade every year when the vines
awaken from their winter sleep.

Rob Davis



Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016

Table of Contents
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 1
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 2
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - Table of Contents
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 4
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 5
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 6
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 7
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 8
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 9
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 10
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 11
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 12
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 13
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 14
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 15
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 16
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 17
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 18
Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 19
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Jordan Estate Tales - Volume 11, 2016 - 21
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