A WORD FROM OUR DIRECTORS Perry's Music/ChordBuddy New Vendor - March 2017 chordbuddy.com North Hall - N1305 The easiest and most effective guitar learning system available. Attach ChordBuddy to your acoustic or electric guitar and start making music with your fingertips! 26 ASDMARKETWEEK AFFORDABLE SHOPPING DESTINATION I n Style + Beauty, we are looking forward to introducing on-trend and fashionable options to our ASD buyers! Beauty and Fragrance is on fire this season with these must-see companies, Note Cosmetics, Double Dare Spa, North Star Glitters, Haramain, Moira and many more. Don't miss this opportunity to stock your shelves with amazing products and discover great point-of-purchase items! From accessories to beauty, apparel and footwear, there are many new exciting products to discover. Have fun and enjoy ASD Market Week! Tomel Lora Show Director Fashion & Accessories, Beauty & Fragrancehttp://s15.a2zinc.net/clients/emeraldexpo/asdavv2017/Public/eBooth.aspx?IndexInList=67&FromPage=Exhibitors.aspx&ParentBoothID=&ListByBooth=true&BoothID=636749&AEID=1220 http://www.chordbuddy.com