Honor able mention 2013 gold key sponsors In conjunction with the International Hotel, Motel + Restaurant Show, Boutique Design and HOTELS magazines would like to thank this year's sponsors for the 33rd Annual Gold Key Awards for Excellence in Hospitality Design. title sponsors Moen Valley Forge Fabrics category sponsors Courtesy of Hotel Jerome Swarovski Best Hotel Luxury | Upscale D'style Best Guest Room Luxury | Upscale Electric Mirror Judges' So Cool Hotel Jerome Courtesy of KoP ProPerties Pte. ltd. Aspen TAL Studio, Las Vegas Visit boutiquedesign.com for more photos of this year's Gold Key honorees, full source lists for the Honorable Mention recipients and judges' comments. montigo resort, nongsa Batam, Indonesia KOP Properties Projects and Design Team, Singapore, and Eco-Id, Singapore december 2013 boutiquedesign.com 81http://www.boutiquedesign.com http://www.boutiquedesign.com