call for NomiNatioNs DESIGNERS OF THE NEXT GENERATION this is a call for NomiNatioNs for our NiNth aNNual listiNg of outstaNDiNg iNterior DesigNers. If you know-or are-a young interior designer who has pushed the envelope in the hospitality industry, we'd like to know what makes him, her or you stand out. We will select our 18 designers based on their nominations. Accepted nominees will be contacted by Boutique Design magazine and asked to answer a couple of questions about the future of design. We will run their answers, headshot and a shot of a project that they've worked on in the March 2014 issue of Boutique Design. Our Boutique 18 will then be honored at the second annual BDwest trade fair, which will take place March 20-21 in San Diego. Nominators: Please provide us with a little background information. (This information is confidential and will not be printed.) Nominator's name Company Title Phone Email Nominee: Name of nominee Company Title Phone Email Length of time with company What type of projects has the nominee worked on? Where? Please send this form to: Matthew Hall, Editor Boutique Design 11262 Cornell Park Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45242 fax: 513.744.6957 What makes the nominee a stand out? Nomination forms are also available on ProDuceD by: DeaDliNe for NomiNatioNs: JANuAry 15, 2014