the buzz - HOwARD ELKUS, ELKUS MANFREDI ARCHITECTS, ON THE MASTER pLAN THAT HIS FIRM DEvELOpED FOR UpDATINg THE FAMED TOURIST DESTINATION wITH SUCH FEATURES AS THE ADDITION OF gLASS RETAIL pAvILIONS, A NEw bOUTIqUE HOTEL AND THE REFURbISHMENT OF ITS COLONNADE DININg vENUES (SHOwN). WHEN EXPERIENCE MATTERS... For 45 years, Asher-Cole has delivered superior custom furnishings for your restaurant, nightclub and hotel; with a reputation for beauty, durability and on-time delivery. Custom orders and sizes are welcome. Americanas and Park Suites Hotel NY 602 252 7560 | COUR TE S Y OF ELKUS MANFREDI ARCHITEC TS "Over 18 million visitors a year recognize Faneuil Hall Marketplace as Boston's historic treasure. Our charge was to make the Marketplace relevant to Bostonians again."