The Far West Skier's Guide is published annually in October by the Far West Ski Association and Leigh Gieringer Graphic Services / 3115 South Price Road, Chandler, AZ 85248; 480.600.6099 or fax 480.855.2303 / / Publisher: Leigh Gieringer Graphic Services Editor, Production Coordinator & Advertising Manager: Leigh Gieringer Assistant Editor: Jane Wyckoff Contributors: Sandra Blackwell Barbara Lee Blase Michael Bouton Stuart Brown Christine Ciardi Jennifer Coutts Bob Ellis Nancy Ellis Chris Gill Maxine Hanlon Joe Harvis Todd Hood Jim Johnson Debbi Kor David Krupp Randy Lew Ira Lindenfeld Fran Long Flo Maderebrer Kirk Miles Sigrid Noack Catherine Ohl Sheri Parshall Jimmy Petterson Gloria Raminha Lisa Scribner Jo Simpson Debbie Stewart George Stewart Stawicki Photography Steve Strickland Rich Tonti Emilio Trampuz Paul Vlasveld John Watson Kristy Welch Cathy Wilson Jane Wyckoff FWSA Convention Photographer - 2021: Eric Van Pelt Photography Council/Club Circulation: The 2021-2022 Far West Skier's Guide will be a digital only issue. Refer to the Council pages starting on page 55 for council and club web addresses for their link; or check out the web addresses below to access our current and past digital editions. Available Digitally at farwestskiersguide/2021-22/ Plus many council and club websites The publisher does not assume responsibility for statements made by advertisers or contributors. Produced U.S.A. 2 Far West Skier's Guide 2O21 - 2O22