2023 - 2024 Far West Skier's Guide - 10

Catching Up With Our
Favorite Resorts!
by Debbi Kor
Vice President - Marketing & Sponsorships, FWSA
What a winter we had this year! People were digging out from the snow for months!
Definitely a year for the record books for sure, but too much of the white stuff goes a long
way! Some ski areas had so much snow, that there were days that they couldn't even open.
When the snow covers the cars, the houses, and the lodges - I say whoa! When is enough -
enough? Ask a skier and the answer will probably be the more the merrier! Several resorts
were able to extend their season into early summer, with Mammoth Mountain closing in early
August. However, for the many resorts that have summer activities, they really had to hustle
to get everything up and running for those guests interested in mountain biking, zip-lining and
coaster riding.
Ski clubs and councils planned group trips to their favorite ski areas, or did simple day
trips to their local mountains to enjoy their favorite outdoor sport. Our clubs and councils
had trips to Mammoth Mountain, Whitefish Mountain Resort, Steamboat, and Sun Valley to
name just a few destinations. The Far West Ski Week was to Jackson Hole this year. The
week included racing on the hill, a mountain picnic held at Snow King Mountain, with the
Welcome Party and Awards Banquet being held at Snow King Resort. Schure Sports donated
a full Karbon outfit again this year, for the 18th year. Laura Priess, from Los Angeles Council
took over for David Krupp, FWSA Athletic Scholarship Chair this year, doing her best to sell
as many raffle tickets as possible. She was successful in raising $1,340 in sales. So, thank you
to all who purchased tickets. The winner this year was Bill Sowle, from Arizona Ski Council.
Far West provides many discounts on lodging, ski and snowboard rentals, outdoor gear,
shipping of skis and golf clubs to your destination of choice, and shuttle rides from the airport
to Steamboat, Park City, and the Reno/Tahoe area. All you need to do is click onto our website
(www.fwsa.org) and check out the extensive list of Member Benefits (under Member Corner)
that our club and council members have available to them. We added two new lodging partners
this year, The Lodge at Whitefish Lake and Firebrand Hotel in Whitefish, both of them Averill
properties. We also have East West Hospitality in Lake Tahoe, and YotelPad in Canyons Village,
Park City.
That POPs
by Todd Hood
Succession Planning Chair, FWSA
All our organizations need a pipeline of
leaders. These are people that are hyper-loyal
to your organization. They have enjoyed
enough experiences through your organization
that " they feel indebted. " They recognize
their need to " pay it forward. "
your organization to not just survive, but to
thrive. And, they want to share your organization
with others.
Don't solely look " around the table " for
Ship Skis returned this year, shipping your skis for you, to your favorite vacation
destination, and Paradise Skis, in Calgary, provided a 15% discount off gear and rentals. Keep
checking that site for updates for your own personal list of places to visit to take advantage of
the discounts available to Far West Ski Association members.
If you are a resort, or ski-related business, Far West Ski Association has a number of sponsorship
opportunities available, including: Program, Corporate, and Convention Sponsors. We
are fortunate to have long-standing commitments from a number of mountain resorts, including:
Big White Ski Resort, who has sponsored the Far West Councils' Volunteer of the
Year Award since 2001 (formerly the Man & Woman of the Year); Steamboat Ski and Resort
Corporation has been our sponsor of the Western Ski Heritage Award since 2000;
Aspen/Snowmass sponsors The Environment Award, which was implemented in 2014.
Holidaze Ski Tours and Mammoth Ski Area are the new sponsors of the Richard Lubin
Safety Person of the Year recognition, while Whitefish Mountain Resort, Grouse Mountain
Lodge, and Schure Sports, Inc. (makers of Karbon ski wear) have been longtime sponsors
of the Far West Athletic Scholarship Program, which began in 2004. Whitefish Mountain
Resort and Grouse Mountain Lodge were our original sponsors. We thank each and every
one of you for your continued support!
If you are a vendor or new business, and would like to join Far West as a Member Benefits
Partner, or become a Sponsor with our organization, please contact me at: fwsadebbi@
comcast.net, or check our FWSA website at: www.fwsa.org/membership/benefits for additional
Next year's Convention will be in Reno, Nevada, at the beautiful Atlantis Casino Resort
Spa, hosted by Bay Area Snow Sports Council and Sierra League and Council. The dates will
be June 6-9, 2024. I look forward to seeing you all in Reno, where we will celebrate our 91st
Annual Far West Ski Association Convention. Come try a little " Altitude with Attitude " with
all of our Far West friends and family. ss
1O Far West Skier's Guide 2O23 - 2O24
your leaders. Many leaders may not currently
hold an elected or leadership position.
Leaders rise to the top, as long as you do not
suppress them. Leaders spend their free time
thinking about and discussing ways to improve
your organization. They contact others
about your organization. They come up with
new ideas. They share your organization
with others. They post on your social media
They want
They identify with your organization.
They care about your organization.
In order to prime your pipeline of
leaders, your snowsports organization needs
three things: participation, opportunity, and
Snowsports organizations need to be active
in order to thrive. Members need to have
something to do, something to remember, and
something to share with others.
give members opportunity to meet and bond
with others of similar interests. Memories of
these experiences build loyalty for your organization.
Does your organization host activities
that members cannot get on their own?
Leaders want to see an opportunity to
make a difference right where they are. The
less effort they have to make outside their
comfort zone, the more aligned they are personally
to the activity and the
Does your organization offer
http://www.fwsa.org http://www.fwsa.org/membership/benefits

2023 - 2024 Far West Skier's Guide

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2023 - 2024 Far West Skier's Guide

2023 - 2024 Far West Skier's Guide - Cover1
2023 - 2024 Far West Skier's Guide - Cover2
2023 - 2024 Far West Skier's Guide - 1
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2023 - 2024 Far West Skier's Guide - Index
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