UPFRONT VIRTUAL HOW | 37 COMPANY NEWS | 38 PEOPLE NEWS | 39 AD INDEX | 40 FOCUS CONTACTS | 41 CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS Jaime Danielson Michelle Nolin Flewell Christopher Goins Bob Holliday Bryan Horveath Steven Just Kevin Kruse Don Kyle Brian Lange Peter Pisarri Steven Rauschkolb Tim Sosbe Carol Wells Chris Westfall 7 How to Build Your Network By Carol Wells Networking is a powerful tool. Carol discusses how connecting with others is bene cial to career success. FROM THE PRESIDENT 13 The Evolution of Digital Training is issue’s guest editor, Steven Just of Pedagogue Solutions, explores the way technology has revolutionized how we train employees. GUEST EDITOR Focus is the official magazine of The Society of Pharmacutical and Biotech Trainers (SPBT). The society is governed by a board of directors, with management operations handled by an executive management group. The magazine is published four times a year and subscriptions are free to all members of SPBT. Nonmember subscriptions are $100 per annum. Focus is designed to provide members of the Society of Pharmaceutical and Biotech Trainers with news and analysis of training, reports on trends in training, commentary and opinion, and reports on news and activities of SPBT. 15 Protecting Your Class from Naysayers By Brian Lange Distracting participant behaviors need to be kept at a minimum. Learning how to handle these situations is vital. FRONT OF THE ROOM 42 5 Questions With … Julie Clow By Kevin Kruse Kevin talks with learning and development expert Julie Clow to understand how innovative organizations breed success. 5 QUESTIONS FOCUS | SUMMER 2012 | www.spbt.org 11http://www.spbt.org