NEMESIA NEMESIA Aromance® 10 - 18 " Upright l Zone 8 - 10 l Vigor 2 l Tray Size 104 Sweet as summer romance, these intensely fragrant Nemesia flower early, with upright habits that withstand summer heat and rain admirably. Mulberry™ Pink 49 Awards Bluebird 10 - 12 " Upright l Zone 8 - 10 l Vigor 2 l Tray Size 104 This improved Nemesia displays a much tidier, better branched habit that holds its shape as it matures while retaining the blue-purple flowers everyone loves. Expect greater garden performance due to its increased heat tolerance. New Bluebird US PPAF Zone 10 - 11 l Vigor 2 l Tray Size 104 Blooming continuously with flowers that pour sweet and tangy color into landscapes, Sunsatia® Sunsatia® also steals AROMANCE® MULBERRY™ 'INNEMMULBE' US PPAF AROMANCE® Pink 'INNEMAROPI' US PP32656 Best Seller SUNSATIA® 'INNEMBLORA' US PP28355 BLOOD ORANGE™ the show in combinations and window boxes. This cold and heat tolerant early bloomer flowers abundantly from spring to hard frost. Blood Orange™ 10 - 14 " Mounding Coconut 6 - 10 " Mounding Cranberry Red 6 - 10 " Mounding Lemon 6 - 10 " Mounding SUNSATIA® US PPAF Coconut SUNSATIA® Cranberry Red 'INNEMCRARE' US PP32657 Best Seller SUNSATIA® Lemon 'INTRAIGOLDTWO' US PP23062 GROWING TIP * Transplant right after delivery to prevent stress. 25 Awards N 111 ANNUALS