Complete Package Program Easy as 1-2-3 Step 1 Plan Your Production for the Year Determine how many Proven Winners® liners you will need for single pot, combinations and landscape production. Step 2 Select the Size, Type and Quantity of Branded Containers You Need * Branded containers are required for all single pot production and must be added to your order * Branded containers are automatically added to orders for ColorChoice® , Heart to Heart® Caladium, Be My® Cuttings, Tip Cuttings and Self Propagation programs * Orders for branded containers and trays are by the full case * Receive ahead of growing season or alongside your liner order * Branded containers are not required for landscape orders Calla, Unrooted Step 3 Customize Your Order for the Right Number of Tags Single Pot Production and Custom Combinations require 1 tag per liner. Reduce Your Tags * Reduced quantities of stake tags may be ordered for custom combinations * Available ratios are 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5 or 1:6 * Quantities are rounded up to nearest bundle size * Liners for landscape sales may reduce tag order to a 1:20 ratio * Container Garden Tags are available for purchase for tag reduction orders Order by Ratio Tag needs are applied to each tag reduction order as a whole. 202 734-654-6420