Full Boxes Optimize Shipping B B B Five of the Most Common Box Configurations Boxes with Same Sized Tray Inserts A A A A A A A A B B 8 x " A " liner trays 6 x any " B " liner trays A A A A B B B A A A A A A A A B We review your plant order and automatically configure liner trays in the boxes for the most efficient shipping possible - because full boxes mean you are maximizing your freight rate. When ordering your liners, consider the number of trays needed to fill a box. Here are some examples of tray configurations that result in full boxes to optimize your shipping. A A A A A A A A A Boxes with 2 DCifferent Size Tray Inserts A A C BB BB BB A A A A A C C A A C C A A A A A A A A A 7 trays combining 2 liner sizes 3 x " B " liner trays 4 x " A " liner trays A A C 206 734-654-6420 B BB BB A A A BB B 6 trays combining 2 liner sizes 2 x " C " liner trays 4 x " A " liner trays B Often used for shipping of 104 Liners and ColorChoice® 28 Liners together. TAGS ENCLOSED TAGS ENCLOSED TAGS TAGS ENCLOSED ENCLOSED TAGS TAGS ENCLOSED ENCLOSED TAG TAG TAGS ENCLOSED TAGS ENCLOSED TAGS TAGS ENCLOSED ENCLOSED TAGS ENCLOSED TAG TAG