B BIDENS BRACHYSCOME BROWALLIA BIDENS Campfire® 8 - 14 " Mounding l Zone 9 - 11 l Vigor 2 l Tray Size 104 A summer favorite for their well-branched habit, heattolerance and vigor, these Bidens bloom continuously from spring to fall. Flame Marshmallow™ GROWING TIP * Grow at 58 - 68˚ with moderate to high light levels and moderate moisture. Goldilocks Rocks® 8 - 14 " Mounding/Trailing l Zone 9 - 11 l Vigor 3 Tray Size 104 Large, bright gold blossoms, up to three inches across, adorn this outstanding variety. Goldilocks Rocks'® abundant flowers and cheery color make it a great addition to vigorous combinations featuring Superbells® and Supertunias® landscapes with little maintenance. BRACHYSCOME Blue Zephyr™ 9 - 15 " Mounding l Zone 9 - 11 l Vigor 2 l Tray Size 104 A lacy, branching habit turns these plants into globes of daisy-shaped flowers that bring a gust of cool color to combinations and landscapes. BROWALLIA Endless™ 12 - 16 " Mounding l Zone 9 - 11 l Vigor 2 Tray Size 104 Blooming profusely throughout the season, Browallia is heat tolerant and does not require deadheading. Flirtation Illumination 25 Awards BLUE ZEPHYR™ ENDLESS™ Flirtation 'UNHBR18' US PP19822 ENDLESS™ Best Seller Illumination 'UNHBR12' US PP18925 CAMPFIRE® Flame 'INBIDCAMEM' US PP32647 CAMPFIRE® US PPAF MARSHMALLOW™ Best Seller GOLDILOCKS ROCKS® 'BID 16101' US PP32646 , and it will thrive equally well in sunny 66 734-654-6420