C COLOCASIA CUPHEA COLOCASIA Coffee Cups 36 - 60 " Upright l Zone 8 - 11 l Vigor 3 l Tray Size 50 This tropical variety delights with cupped foliage that spills when filled with water. Deep olive leaves grow tall on sturdy stems, making Coffee Cups a great focal point in landscapes. 27 Awards GROWING TIP * Can be cut back, if needed. * No pinching necessary. Heart of the Jungle® 36 - 60 " Upright l Zone 8 - 11 l Vigor 3 l Tray Size 50 The massive, branching, deep green leaves and burgundy stems of this elephant ear make a great tropical thriller in combinations, landscapes and ponds. 30 Awards Illustris 36 - 60 " Upright l Zone 8 - 11 l Vigor 3 l Tray Size 50 Under most circumstances, a slightly more compact Colocasia than Coffee Cups or Heart of the Jungle® . HEART OF THE JUNGLE® CUPHEA Lavender Lace 10 - 12 " Mounding l Zone 9 - 11 l Vigor 1 Tray Size 104 Vermillionaire® 18 - 28 " Mounding l Zone 8 - 11 l Vigor 2 Tray Size 104 Dark orange, tubular flowers thrive in sunny landscapes, patios and planters. This heat and humidity loving Cuphea variety flourishes from coast to coast. 89 Awards 86 734-654-6420 Best Seller VERMILLIONAIRE® 'cupver' Coffee Cups 'Coffee cups' Illustris Lavender Lace