Above: Brooks County FFA students take selfies with Oscar the Robot outside the Georgia electric cooperatives' tent. Right: A youngster relaxes in one of the giant tires displayed at the expo. Left: Faith Royal cuts grilled peanut butter sandwiches at the Georgia Peanut Commission booth. More than 1,600 sandwiches are handed out each day. Above, right: Visitors can get an upclose look at alpacas and learn from farmers what it takes to raise them and how raw alpaca fleece is woven into fiber. Above: Noel, with handler Carol Anne Bailey of Townville, S.C., guides sheep into a pen at the open sheep trials during the 2016 Sunbelt Ag Expo American Grand Finals Stock Dog Trial. Right: Antique tractors of all kinds make the rounds during the daily parade. October 2017 More online at www.georgiamagazine.org 19http://www.georgiamagazine.org