Any Any time time you you can can save save money, money, it makes it makes a difference. a difference. Gas Gas South South is proud is proud toto partner partner with with your your EMC EMC toto take take a little a little more more offoff your your gas gas billbill every every month. month. Locally Locally owned owned and and operated, operated, we're we're the the only only natural natural gas gas provider provider toto offer offer EMC EMC members members special special discounts discounts onon our our great great low low rates. rates. We'll We'll never never charge charge you you a deposit a deposit (up (up toto a $150 a $150 value) value) and and we'll we'll waive waive your your connection connection fee fee forfor another another $60 $60 in in savings. savings. Thanks Thanks toto our our partnerships, partnerships, EMC EMC members members have have made made a smart a smart choice choice and and saved saved nearly nearly $11$11 million million onon their their natural natural gas. gas. It'sIt's your your turn. turn. Visit Visit oror call call 866.563.8129 866.563.8129 toto learn learn more. more. *Savings *Savings figure figure is based is based on the on the EMC EMC turn-on turn-on fee fee credit credit andand thethe $.02/therm $.02/therm discount discount applied applied to the to the monthly monthly number number of EMC of EMC members members on the on the program program andand using using average average consumption consumption as published as published by the by the Georgia Georgia Public Public Service Service Commission Commission through through September September 2017.2017.