February 2018 * Vol. 74, No. 2 ANN FOSTER 16 JOHN SINGLETON C O N T E N T S 10 D E PA R T M E N T S 5 MAILBOX 6 PICTURE THIS? 8 GEORGIA NEWS JILL STUCKEY 10 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 20 14 CURRENTS 24 AROUND GEORGIA Macon's Tubman Museum 20 34 4 The winter rose JANE F. GARVEY Get in on the avian action with the Great Backyard Bird Count. By Pamela A. Keene 28 GEORGIA GARDENS 38 Jackson EMC lineman connects shelter dogs and struggling veterans. By Karen D. Ewing 36 MY GEORGIA Costs of college Diary of a cast-iron skillet Jimmy Carter's Sunday school class brings visitors from around the globe. By Kevin Braun Perfect matches 32 GEORGIA'S ENERGY OUTLOOK 38 GEORGIA COOKS Far-reaching lessons 42 SNAPSHOT A timeless classic: Valentines and sweethearts AMERICAN CAMELLIA SOCIETY 16 Keeping track of our feathered friends cast-iron cookware , page 38 February 2018 Tubman Museum Celebrating African-American art, history and culture ON THE COVER: page 24 Wini McQueen is a textile artist whose narrative quilts tackle issues of race, class and society. Her work "If Walls Could Talk" is part of the permanent collection at the Tubman Museum in Macon. (Photo by Louis Tonsmeire.) The Great Backyard Bird Count page 16 www.georgiamagazine. 28 More online at www.georgiamagazine.org org Jimmy Carter's Sunday school class page 20 GEORGIA MAGAZINEhttp://www.georgiamagazine.org http://www.georgiamagazine.org