Electricity use and fuel mix Electricityuse useand and fuel fuel mix Electricity mixfor co-ops in the U.S. Electric cooperatives play a vital role Electric cooperatives playaasector. vitalrole role Electric cooperatives play vital in transforming the electric in transforming electricsector. sector. in transforming thethe electric Advanced communications and Advanced communications and Advanced communications and automation technology enable automation technology enable automation technology enable co-ops to improve the resiliency co-ops to improve the resiliency co-ops to improve the resiliency and efficiency of their systems as andand efficiency of of their systems as efficiency their systems as they reduce environmental impacts they reduce environmental impacts by adding renewable resources. they reduce environmental impacts by adding renewable resources. Note: Non-hydro renewables includes owned and by adding renewable resources. Source: NRECA Source: Source:National NRECARural Electric Cooperative Association directly purchased generation, plus generation in Note: Non-hydro renewables includes owned and the mix from wholesale market purchases. Notes: Non-hydro renewables includes owned and directly directly purchased generation, plus generation in purchased generation,market plus generation in the mix from wholesale the mix from wholesale purchases. market purchases. * * * * * * * * * * Co-ops added 295,995 new members in 2016 * Co-opsadded added 295,995 newnew members nationwide in 2016. Co-ops 295,995 members in 2016 84% of electric co-ops had a net increase 84 of percent of co-cops a netincrease increase in members 84% electric co-ops hadhad a net in* members inelectric 2016 in 2016. in members in 2016 Electricity demand at co-ops increased about * Electricity demand at co-ops increased by about 0.5 percent Electricity demand atin co-ops increased about one-half of a co-op percent 2016, with co-op retail in 2016, with retail sales reaching 435 billion one-half of a percent in 2016, with co-op retail sales reaching 435 billion kilowatt-hours kilowatt-hours. sales reaching 435 billion kilowatt-hours Co-op electricity increased 0.4% * Co-opresidential residential electricity sales sales increase by 0.4 percent. Co-op residential electricity sales increased 0.4% * Commercial and industrial electricity sales0.3%; increased by Commercial & industrial increased 0.3 percent; irrigation sales10.5% jumped by 10.5 percent. Commercial & industrial increased 0.3%; irrigation sales jumped irrigation sales jumped 10.5% 2016 2016 SALES SALES 435 billion kWh 435 billion kWh Source: Source:National Rural Utility Cooperative NRUCFC and RUS Source: Finance Corporation NRUCFC and RUS and Rural Utility Service Similar statistics for Georgia electric co-ops will be provided in an upcoming issue of GEORGIA Magazine. Electricity sales growth Electricity sales Co-op sales growth rates generallygrowth surpass that of the electric utility industry as a whole. Co-ops Co-ops Co-ops are reducing emissions Co-op sales growth rates generally surpass that of the electric utility industry as a whole. Co-ops are reducing emissions in the Unitedgenerate States 5% 5% generate Cleaner Cleanerair: air: Cooperatives Cooperatives are arereducing reducing emissions emissions through aa through combination combination of emissionemissionof reduction reduction measures at measures at power plants and power plants and fuel switching fuel switching to natural gas to natural gas and renewables. and renewables. Co-ops have: Reduced sulphur dioxide emissions 66% during 2009-2016. Reduced nitrogen oxide emissions 24% during 2009-2016. TOTAL SO2 EMISSIONS TOTAL NOX EMISSIONS 450 200 400 190 Millions (short tons) 350 180 200 300 170 190 250 160 180 200 150 170 150 140 160 100 130 Thousands (short tons) 2009 2016 Thousands (short tons) 2009 increasing generation by 15 million megawatt-hours. and and TOTAL CO2 EMISSIONS 2016 150 sell sell 13% 13% of all U.S. 2009 2016 of all U.S. electricity GEORGIA MAGAZINE electricity Source:Administration EPA and EIA Sources: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Energy Information Source: EIA 24 of total U.S. Reduced carbon of total U.S. electricity dioxide emissions electricity 8% since 2005 while More online at www.georgiamagazine.org Source: EIA ... and jump starting renewable energy growthhttp://www.georgiamagazine.org