Find it this month! Want to win a $25 gift card? " Thank you for including the Southeastern Quilt and Textile Museum in your January 2022 edition. Nearly 50 percent of our visitors since we reopened Jan. 13 said they read about the museum in Georgia Magazine! " -JoAnna M. Browning, director of operations More than a million Georgians read Georgia Magazine each month. Be sure they know what your business has to off er! For more information, call (770) 270-6500. Are you a resourceful reader? One lucky reader who fi nds and submits the correct answers to these trivia questions will win a $25 Target gift card. All answers can be found in this month's issue. 1) According to Njeri Boss, how much did a bowl of Waffl e House chili cost when the restaurant fi rst opened? 2) How many seniors' dreams has Second Wind Dreams fulfi lled since its founding? 3) Which Georgia co-op won the 2022 International Lineman's Rodeo in the journeyman division for all electric cooperatives? SAVOR THE SEASONS in Upcountry South Carolina Every season is the best season to explore the many treasures in the Upcountry. | 864.233.2690 How to enter: Send an email to trivia@georgia with the answers to all five questions by Dec. 31, 2022. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number. (If more than one person answers all the questions correctly, we'll draw from among all correct answers to determine the $25 Target gift card winner.) TARGET gift card $25 33 4) What happens to the leaves and fl owers if you plant hellebores in an area with too much sun? 5) Hans Rueffert says that Kaiserschmarrn is " a dish that looks like what might happen if you flung a pancake into a ______. "