Safeguard shorebirds * Avoid posted nesting sites. (Eggs and chicks are camouflaged and easy to overlook or even step on.) * Observe beach birds only from a distance. Back away from any nesting birds you accidentally disturb. (Adult birds frightened from a nest often will call loudly and exhibit distraction displays, such as dragging one wing as if it is broken.) G eorgia's beautiful beaches attract visitors from all over, including nesting birds whose limited habitat often is disturbed by humans and animals. Officials from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources are asking for help in protecting Georgia's beach-nesting birds. Here are a few ways you can help birds when visiting a Georgia beach. * Stay in high-traffic areas; birds are less likely to nest where crowds gather. * Walk below the high-tide line or on wet-sand beaches. * Leave dogs at home or keep them on leashes when visiting a beach where they are allowed. Owners who let their dogs chase shorebirds can be fined for harassing protected species. * Keep house cats indoors, and don't feed feral cats near beaches. Cats often prey on birds. * Share with family, friends and social media connections about the importance of giving beach-nesting birds the space they need to thrive. If you see people disturbing nesting birds, respectfully tell them how their actions can affect the birds. If the people continue, contact the DNR's Law Enforcement hotline at (800) 241-4113 or email Find it this month! Want to win a $25 gift card? Are you a resourceful reader? One lucky reader who fi nds and submits the correct answers to these trivia questions will win a $25 Target gift card. All answers can be found in this month's issue. 1) Name one of the three things that rattlesnake master attracts. 2) What type of grinder does William " Skip " Beltz recommend for grinding whole coffee beans? 3) How much money is awarded for each Walter Harrison Scholarship? 4) What painting did Lula Hurst's husband purchase? 5) What did Emma Jagus name her white 1995 F-150 pickup truck with the ocean-blue stripe? How to enter: Send an email to with the answers to all five questions by Aug. 31, 2023. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number. (If more than one person answers all the questions correctly, we'll draw from among all correct answers to determine the $25 Target gift card winner.) 9 TARGET gift card $25 GEORGIA DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES