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Cell and Gene Therapy Clinical Trials - The Promise and Complexity of Living Therapies
janiecbros / iStockphoto
This is especially true since, for many sponsors, the
opportunity to work on multiple trials with unique
CGT trial they are embarking on is their first.
requirements. The lessons we learn in executing
CROs play a critical role in both the growth
across therapeutic areas and technologies provides
and demand for resources for these trials and in
a lens of foresight we can offer our sponsors. We
capturing lessons learned and best practices in an
sometimes refer to it as our ability to see around the
area of clinical research that has no handbooks and
corner and know where the pothole is. Our role is to
few standards to follow.
steer around the pothole! "
" It is hard to know what you don't know. I think
" ICON has been working with CGT trials from the
this is the biggest 'boogeyman' for sponsors, " says
beginning, starting with CAR-T trials in oncology. "
Brandon Fletcher, Ph.D., Principal, Clinical Project
states Tamie Joeckel, Global Business Lead for the
Management, ICON plc. " They are stepping into
Cell and Gene Therapy Center of Excellence. " We joke
something, and they don't know if it is a few things
internally that our best practices are all based on the
that they don't have the skillset and workforce to do,
mistakes and the stumbling blocks we've encoun-
or if it is hundreds of things. As a CRO, we have the
tered over the years, learning this new environment
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ICON_Jan2021_CellandGeneTherapy
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ICON_Jan2021_CellandGeneTherapy - Contents
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