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Proper Antibody Design Keeps Specificity In Mind
analysis steps-including characterization-as

technologies to enhance characterization, isolation,

accurately and efficiently as possible.

and purification of mAbs, " states Khimani. " The

" Currently, there is a high desire to combine

chromatographic and electrophoretic techniques

multiple tasks into one single method, as

have been combined with mass spectrometry with

researchers require both detailed information and

significant improvements to the sample preparation

faster results, " explains Shen. " Monoclonal antibody

requirements. "

characterization is complicated, and many tasks
are involved in the process. These usually require

Monoclonal antibody

labor-intensive sample preparations and time-con-

characterization is

suming analyses. It is desirable to have instruments

complicated, and many tasks

that provide reproducibility, robustness, and ease
of use. "
Walker has also observed this trend: " Monoclonal

are involved in the process.
These usually require

antibody characterization involves a diverse set

labor-intensive sample

of advanced analytical techniques, many of which

preparations and time-

require specialist equipment and training. As some
technologies are maturing, there has been a move
toward more automated sample preparation and
data analysis to reduce timelines.

consuming analyses. "
		 Maryann Shen, PhD, LCMS
global marketing program
manager, Agilent Technologies

" An example of this is with mass spectrometry,
where hardware and software are becoming more

Khimani cites automated capillary electropho-

user-friendly, reducing the time taken by specialist

resis-based separation technologies and advances

operators. There is still, however, some work to be

in assay development as examples of the work

done in this area so that relatively inexperienced

being done, explaining that they " have enabled

operators can access the technology. "

evaluation of mAb in native conformation. "

A productive dialectic:
characterization needs and
technological capabilities

" With continued development of next-generation technologies and tools, characterization of
mAb will continue to evolve, " he predicts. " It will
be a growing space for investigators within the

Biopharmaceutical industry demand for more

biopharma and biologics segments. " ●

detailed mAb characterization systems will continue
to be a major development driver. " The analytical
field has witnessed continued development of

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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Origene_Jan2021_ProperAntibodyDesignKeeps

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Origene_Jan2021_ProperAntibodyDesignKeeps - Contents
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