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Proper Antibody Design Keeps Specificity In Mind

Juan Gaertner / Science Photo Library / Getty Images

Ubiquitin, molecular model. Ubiquitin is found in all eukaryotic cells. When a protein is damaged or old it will be tagged
by several ubiquitin molecules. The protein is then moved to a proteasome, a hollow barrel shaped protein that degrades
other proteins into amino acids and small polypeptides.

had to find the right nanobody. Until recently,

" In the case of one of the cystic fibrosis proteins

researchers had to inject their target proteins into

we tested, we get a remarkable rescue, restoring

llamas, camels, or alpacas and wait for the animal

protein levels in the cell membrane to about 50% of

to generate such nanobodies. The Columbia

normal, " Colecraft reported. " If that happened in a

researchers instead fished out binders from a

patient, it would be transformative. "

synthetic yeast nanobody display library containing
millions of unique nanobodies.
Once created, each enDUB was tested in cells
that produced the mutated proteins.
In both cases, enDUBs prevented the destruction

Though both diseases investigated in the
study are caused by mutations in ion channel
proteins, " the approach can be applied to any
protein in the cell, not just membrane proteins or
proteins altered by genetic mutations, " Colecraft

of the proteins, and the proteins migrated to their

maintained. " It could be applicable to any disease

normal locations in the cell membrane where they

where protein degradation is a factor, including

performed their normal functions.

cancer and epilepsy. " ●

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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Origene_Jan2021_ProperAntibodyDesignKeeps

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