Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE - A

Advancing Nucleic Acid QC
Nucleic acid quality assessment is a crucial step to the success or failure of DNA and RNA-based workflows. New methods and
quality standards continually develop along with new applications. Whether for a new sequencing chemistry, PCR strategy, or
type of gene editing, understanding sample quality is essential for constructive outcomes.
QC checkpoints help improve these diverse workflows, allowing researchers to work with only ideal samples. Not only are these
checks important at the beginning of a workflow, but often are necessary throughout the process. This is easily seen during
NGS library preparations, where these checks help researchers with a range of tasks, from identifying incomplete reactions to
molarity calculations. However, the importance of quality assessments is not limited to performing QC checks during complex
workflows. Reliable assessment of PCR products, for example, is essential for a host of applications, including molecular cloning,
and microsatellite detection.
Advanced Analytical - A part of Agilent develops automated quality assessment solutions for nucleic acids. These solutions use
capillary electrophoresis and fluorescence detection to offer unmatched sensitivity and separation resolution. This combination
helps researchers accurately assess DNA and RNA quality for a full range of applications.
To support the advancement and development of current and new applications, methods of nucleic acid QC are evolving. In
this e-book, produced in partnership with GEN, we discuss the importance of nucleic acid quality assessment using capillary
electrophoresis and how it can positively impact your workflows.

Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE

Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE - Cover1
Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE - Cover2
Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE - A
Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE - Index
Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE - 1
Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE - 2
Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE - 3
Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE - 4
Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE - 5
Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE - 6
Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE - 7
Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE - 8
Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE - 9
Improved Nucleic Acid QC with Parallel CE - Cover4