Catalent eBook - 22
Novel Approaches to Improve Cell Therapy Manufacturing
That program complements another of
Magenta's pipeline programs, a set of antibody-drug
conjugates that target and precisely remove specific
purposes, Cell Guidance Systems is using PODS
crystals to deliver growth factors.
Cell Guidance Systems' CEO Michael Jones, PhD,
disease-causing cells in the body without chemo-
says that PODS can make a significant difference in
therapy or radiation in preparation for a stem cell
the survival of the transplanted cells. " It's a little bit
transplant. The most advanced of these antibodies
like when you move a plant, " he explains. " Often,
is in preclinical studies for autoimmune disease.
you'll put a bit of compost in with the plant, and
Magenta is also working on a cell therapy product
that helps it thrive. It's the same thing with cells. You
for blood cancers and a solution for graft-versus-host
need to give them a little bit of a helping hand when
you're adapting them from one environment into the
Gardner believes that Magenta's technology
can eliminate the need for chemotherapy. " We
don't need to put the patient through this terrible
other. "
" We don't need to put the patient
experience, " he insists. " We have a much better way
through this terrible experience. We
to collect the best stem cells for transplant. We can
have a much better way to collect
use these targeted, very potent medicines from
the best stem cells for transplant. "
Magenta because we know the stem cell targets and
-Jason Gardner, DPhil, Magenta Therapeutics
we know how to remove them. This is very exciting,
and we believe will be game changing for patients.
The company is working with Akihiro J. Matsuoka,
A successful transplant, when it works, cures the
MD, assistant professor of otolaryngology at
patient. "
Northwestern University, to improve the integration
A helping hand for stem cells
of cochlear implants. In this collaboration, PODS
containing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
Cell Guidance Systems is another company building
are being co-transplanted into the inner ear along
a technology portfolio of therapeutics and reagents
with neuronal cells differentiated from pluripotent
that support stem cell therapeutics. The company's
stem cells. Compared with ordinary growth factors,
POlyhedrin Delivery System (PODS) packs protein
there is a significantly enhanced quality of neurites
cargo into a protective protein crystal lattice and
of neuronal cells transplanted with the PODS growth
stabilizes it even at high temperatures. Polyhedrin is
an insect virus protein that is very highly expressed in
" You can see what a big difference it makes in
cells and self-assembles into crystals. In the presence
terms of the quality and functionality of the cell, "
of proteases, the PODS crystals slowly break down
says Jones, " if you're supporting it better by having
and release their protein cargo. For stem cell therapy
growth factors available for a long period of time. " n
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Catalent eBook
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Catalent eBook
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Catalent eBook - Contents
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