EMD Millipore eBook - 3


nderstanding the mechanisms by which cells respond to stressors is
critical to the integrity of model systems on which biologists rely for
drug development, confidence in downstream assays, and basic
cell biology studies. Despite this, routine investigation of cell health
parameters and the mechanisms by which cells die is an inquiry which is
often entrusted to time-consuming, information-poor bulk assays, or
overlooked altogether. Because traditional methods for assessing cell
health such as Western blot require homogenization of cells, they cannot
capture the population heterogeneity that we now realize is key to
characterizing cell responses from a mechanistic perspective.
The modern pace of scientific discovery also demands that workflows for
fundamental assays be streamlined. We are extremely proud of our Muse®
Cell Analyzer, which synergizes three vital EMD Millipore principles by enhancing
precision, increasing data richness, and boosting productivity via simplifying
workflows. This unique instrument relies on flow cytometric principles to
minimize the time and expertise needed to obtain critical cell health and
cell signaling answers, while simultaneously providing the single cell, multiparametric data that is lost to methods that homogenize cell populations.
The capacity for single cell analysis and the need for quantitative,
information-rich data is increasingly important in the clinical, translational,
and basic research domains. This Muse® instrument fulfills these needs by
combining the high-throughput cell-by-cell analysis proficiency of flow

cytometry with unprecedented reduction in instrument size, cost, and
complexity. The affordability and ease of use that Muse® provides brings to
broader research interests in academia, and the pharmaceutical, food and
beverage industries the kind of multiparameter data that was once available
only to expert flow cytometrists with access to large, shared instruments.
Three-parameter data is generated for every cell in a population to clarify
fundamental mechanisms of apoptosis, autophagy, cell signaling and more,
with the statistical power of measuring thousands of cells per sample.
At EMD Millipore, our scientists are committed not just to providing tools
for bioscience analysis, but to envisioning ideas that help research get
further, faster. For work requiring multiparameter open systems, our
visionary Amnis® imaging cytometers and flexible Guava® benchtop
instruments round out our inventive collection of flow cytometers. Beyond
instruments, EMD Millipore reagents, chemicals, sample prep and water
purification systems offer complete solutions for even the most complex
research problems. In this eBook, you will learn not only how diverse the
paths to cell death can be, but how the right tools can make negotiating
those paths both easy and enlightening.
Warm regards,
Patrick Schneider, Ph.D.
Head of Bioscience, EMD Millipore


EMD Millipore eBook

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of EMD Millipore eBook

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