Horizon eBook - 11
More Predictive
Cell-Based Assays
Lisa Heiden
| GENengnews.com
* Use of primary rather then
established cell lines.
* Development of tools for making
physiologically relevant environments.
* Incorporation of Big Data strategies.
* Integration of high-throughput screening
(HTS) and automation methods.
* Leveraging of signaling pathway mechanisms.
These platforms demonstrate how today's
cell-based assays are driving translational medicine. These assays are creating opportunities that
yesteryear's scientists could only dream about.
Screening in 3D
Horizon offers a variety of approaches
to support drug discovery. 3D assays
can be required to reveal the dependency on certain oncogenic mutations
or to highlight a particular phenotype
not detected in 2D environment.
Learn more!
ell-based assay platforms are evolving to meet
diverse challenges-mimicking disease states,
preserving signaling pathways, modeling drug
responses, and recreating environments
conducive to tissue development.
As diverse as these applications may be, the
innovations that make them possible may be
aligned with just a handful of themes.
These themes, which are expressed in varying
degrees in most of the newer cell-based assay
platforms, include the following:
Additional Content
Horizon eBook
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horizon eBook
Horizon eBook - 1
Horizon eBook - 2
Horizon eBook - 3
Horizon eBook - Contents
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