Horizon eBook - 21


Knockout Screening
Eric Rhodes

CRISPR gene-targeting


| GENengnews.com

Additional Content
RNA-based screening

Learn more about RNAi and CRISPR-Cas9
technologies, use of X-MAN® isogenic
cell lines in synthetic lethal screening,
comparison of siRNA and CRISPR-Cas9
knockout screening approaches, and
possibilities and challenges of genomewide CRISPR-Cas9 knockout screening.

Learn more!



ver the last 10 years, genome-scale
RNA-interference screens have been
widely established as important tools to
investigate mammalian functional
Large-scale pooled-format screens
employing libraries of shRNAs in retroviral/
lentiviral vectors have identified genes whose
silencing conferred resistance to insults, or
whose silencing led to inviability or reduced
proliferation. Initially these screens employed
shRNA barcoding coupled with transcriptional
arrays for analysis; more recently, next-generation sequencing has amplified the power and
flexibility of this approach. RNA-interference

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Horizon eBook

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horizon eBook

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Horizon eBook - 2
Horizon eBook - 3
Horizon eBook - Contents
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