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or those involved in disease research and finding new and better
treatments, there is a paradigm we all must live by... "biology has
the final say." More than a few promising drugs have met with
disappointing results upon introduction into the clinic. These failures
are not only disappointing but also very costly in terms of resources
and the financial burden placed on drug developers.
We are now roughly a decade past the publication of the first human
genome, and the cost of obtaining genome information has dramatically
decreased. So much so that we now face a mountain of accumulating
data that we are struggling to deal with. As promising as I feel having this
information is to all of us, it is still just the "source code" underlying a very
complex system of thousands and thousands of interacting pieces. The
challenge now is the translation of that source code into meaningful
biological processes and their role in disease. Ultimately we need that
understanding to be applicable in the context of the entire body, but
it is a stepwise process.
At Horizon we have focused on using cellular models to help translate
this information into actionable outcomes. We use our precision gene-

editing platform to create isogenic cell lines for a wide range of target
validation, patient stratification, compound profiling, and mechanism of
action studies. By precisely controlling the underlying source code and
then placing the cells into an appropriate context, whether it be a
phenotypic screen or a combination drug profile, we let biology inform
us as to what the effects of these subtle changes are and further our
understanding (or translation) of these source code differences.
While I feel we all must admit that cell-based screening cannot possibly
provide all the answers, it is a critical piece in our better understanding
of biological processes. New innovations in cell-based screening are
indeed bringing us closer to a better understanding of the whole human
being and its complex biology. This book examines some of the more
recent developments in cell-based screening, and I hope you find it
informative and thought provoking.

Eric Rhodes
CTO & Senior VP R&D
Horizon Discovery


Horizon eBook

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horizon eBook

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Horizon eBook - Contents
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