ProteinSimple eBook - 24

Simplifying Protein Analysis * Multi-Analyte, Automated, Microfluidic Immunoassay Platform

analyte ELISAs. Simple Plex assays run on Ella™ enabled simultaneous quantitation of four analytes, in discrete channels, from 16 individual samples in a
single disposable microfluidic cartridge in an hour. This eliminated potential
negative interactions or interference from the antibody pairs for other assays,
while simultaneously providing the benefits of a multiplexed antigen analysis
and rapid microfluidic reaction kinetics. Glass nano reactors (GNRs) were
developed as a solid-phase support for the capture antibodies, and were
shown to possess enabling physical, optical, and chemical properties. GNRs
were functionalized to allow antibody immobilization on the GNRs internal,
but not external, surfaces (Figure 1). The composition of the GNR provided
a highly uniform surface, supporting multiple well-characterized, stable
immobilization chemistries, and exhibited low intrinsic fluorescence.


~70 µm




~250 µm


Cartridges were assembled with three analyte-specific GNRs, composed of
glass capillary 250±25 µm (length) by150±6 µm (outer diameter) with an
inner diameter of 75 ±3 µm, per channel in every circuit (Figure 1).

Calibration curves were made daily over the course of five days with freshly
thawed multi-analyte standard spiked and serially diluted into freshly
thawed calibrator buffer. Curves consisted of eight points, including zero,
spanning the biologically relevant range. The limit of detection (LOD)


Figure 1. The Glass Nano Reactor (GNR). (A) Physical dimensions of a GNR.
(B) Photograph of a GNR embedded in the channel of the Simple Plex cartridge.
(C) Fluorescent image of a GNR revealing exclusive localization of antibodies in
the center of the GNR, with no detectable signal on the outer surfaces.
(D) Cartoon depicting placement of GNRs in discrete channels of one of the
eight circuits on an 8-sample 4-plex cartridge. Different colors indicate
GNRs specific for different analytes.

ProteinSimple eBook

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ProteinSimple eBook

ProteinSimple eBook - Cover1
ProteinSimple eBook - 2
ProteinSimple eBook - 3
ProteinSimple eBook - Contents
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ProteinSimple eBook - Cover4