ProteinSimple eBook - 5
No Gels or Blots Required
Westerns and Total Protein Analysis:
Patricia Piatti, Ph.D.
Additional Content
hen we introduced the Simple Western in 2011, we made a giant leap forward
by automating an age-old process-30 years old to be precise: Western blotting.
A proteomics workhorse, it's plagued by poor reproducibility, lack of accurate
quantitation, extensive time to result, and reliability issues.
Learn more about Simple
Simple Westerns are about protein analysis made simple without compromising
Western total protein analysis
quality and reliability. With automation
of all steps from protein loading and
and high molecular weight
Meet Ella. She's simple. Simply irresistible. With moves like J
The latest
separation, immunoprobing, washing,
protein old-fashioned ELISA doing th
bass and treble, she leaves yourdetection.
detection, and quantitative analysis
to the Simple
of data, it finally gives researchers
Turn down for what? The Simple Plex is here.
Western family
Click now!
a complete, walk-away solution.
Application Notes:
ProteinSimple eBook
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ProteinSimple eBook
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