Unchained Labs eBook - 22

Kick manual
buffer exchange
to the curb
The identification of the best buffer salts, pH,
ionic strength, excipients, and surfactants
can greatly improve the stability of a biologic. Finding those ideal conditions is not easy
because it involves a great deal of manual
effort and has become increasingly difficult
with higher concentrations of biologics.
Two key steps are required to get the protein into the right formulation. The first is
creating the formulations. Formulations
themselves are not necessarily complex



but they may be subtly different, where a
slight change in pH, salt, or other excipient
concentration could impact the overall
stability of the molecule. Creating formulations precisely and with small changes is
often a manual process. Due to the hassle
of creating these variations, the formulation
space is often not fully explored.
The second step of the process is to
exchange the protein into the new formulation buffer. Buffer exchange methods

Learn more
The buffer exchange dream
Grunt and Junior automate the buffer exchange
process so you can ditch manual methods, run
more exchanges simultaneously and nail the
final concentration and volume target.

http://go.unchainedlabs.com/buffer-exchange-junior-grunt http://GENengnews.com

Unchained Labs eBook

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Unchained Labs eBook

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