Box Tops for Education - (Page 23)

coordinator-to-coordinator ideAS SHARed AT BOx TOPS UniVeRSiTieS ACROSS THe COUnTRY! TAiLOR PRiZeS TO YOUR SCHOOL’S needS grand Center Arts Academy is a visual and performing arts school. The class with the most Box Tops collected each month gets to showcase their talents at the parent meeting. Students love the chance to perform, and are motivated to clip! What would the students at your school love to do? HOW CLOSe ARe YOU TO ReACHing YOUR gOAL? Visually display how close your school is to reaching its earnings goal on a prominent bulletin board. Create a thermometer that fills up as you get closer, or try filling up an outline of your school mascot, stacking ice cream scoops, or anything you can think of! Thanks to a Coordinator at Box Tops University for sharing this creative bulletin board! CReATe YOUR OWn COLLeCTiOn SHeeT …then make a matching bulletin board at school to display your progress. Vassar/Kinry PTA created this “Blooming Box Tops” sheet. One new flower is added to the bulletin board for every 50 Box Tops turned in. Hold collection contests between classrooms, or make teams of classrooms. Winners get a traveling trophy, ice cream party, or extra recess!

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Box Tops for Education

Box Tops for Education
Top 5 to-Do’s
2010-2011 in Review
Track Your Earnings
Participating Products
Clipping – the Basics and Beyond!
Collection Contests
Real Coordinators. Really Good Advice.
Mix Up a Batch of Box Tops
Exclusive Coordinator Savings
Earn Eboxtops® for Your School, Too
Bonus Box Tops
Bonus Offers in Stores Near You
Turn Box Tops Into Cash
Raise Awareness & Earnings
Get Kindergarten Families on Board
Rally Your School and Community
Connect, Share, Be Inspired!
Make a Learning Connection Quick Links
Frequently Asked Questions

Box Tops for Education