General Practi ce Residency Fair The General Practi ce Residency Fair provides dental students an opportunity to gather informati on regarding general practi ce residency and advanced educati on in general denti stry programs in an informal atmosphere. Representati ves from approximately 65 hospital dental residencies are present to discuss the content and nature of their programs, pati ent populati ons and treatment needs, as well as att ending and resident staff and requirements. The General Practice Residency Fair enables students to review various residency programs without the logisti cal problems of individual site visits. This is the 27th annual General Practi ce Residency Fair, which is a joint venture of the American Associati on of Hospital Denti sts, the Greater New York Dental Meeti ng and the dental schools throughout New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecti cut. 9:30-12:00 Course 3640 Recommended for: S 1 CEU Free South Lower Terrace The Greater New York Dental Meeti ng wishes to express its appreciati on to Dr. Burton Wasserman and Dr. Scott W. Podell for their outstanding leadership in coordinati ng this functi on. EXPERIENCE MORE SESSIONS THAN YOU THOUGHT POSSIBLE The GNYDM Live Learning Center connects you to session recordings from GNYDM 2012 so you can catch up on sessions you don’t have time to attend and continue your professional development between meetings. The best part? If you’re unable to attend the meeting this year, you can still access education that will keep you current on the trends shaping the dental industry! To order session recordings from GNYDM 2012, call 1-888-711-1138 or visit the GNYDM Live Learning Center Purchase now and save! Prices increase November 23, 2012. 70