Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - 132

Wednesday Morning & Afternoon
World Implant Expo Seminars
Course: 6010
Tuition: $175.00
Recommended for: D, H, S

9:45 - 12:45
3 CEUs

The improvement of implant design has enabled us to place
immediate implants and a provisional restoration predictably
when treatment is done in the esthetic zone. Moreover, the fabrication of an immediate provisional is becoming a key factor for
tissue management. Tissue support, emergence profile and the
provisional restoration phase of implant therapy has become one
of the most critical steps in immediate or delayed placement for
several reasons. A step-by-step protocol is presented in how to
fabricate the proper screw-retained provisional restoration from
the fabrication of the acrylic shell to managing and capturing the
proper supportive subgingival contour.
* about the surgical management of anterior sockets with
immediate implant placement
* how to fabricate an immediate provisional restoration

Course: 6020
Tuition: $175.00
Recommended for: D

2:00 - 5:00
3 CEUs

Patients who are missing teeth do not come to us for implants.
They want to smile and eat with confidence. Often times, implants
are the foundation for what they really want: the final prosthesis.
As general dentists, we are the quarterbacks who ensure that the
patient's needs are fulfilled. At this stage, we either win or lose
the game in our treatment plan. This program covers advanced
implant treatment planning for the GP dentist through the use
of multiple case presentations. Additionally this program demonstrates how to perform various implant prosthetic procedures.
* advanced treatment planning considerations and show how
treatment planning is the key to all implant procedures
* how to perform various implant prosthetic procedures
* to expand your list of options by showing what is possible in
the GP office

Presiding: James J. Sconzo, D.M.D., Brooklyn, NY
Past President, Second District Dental Society

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World Implant Expo Workshops
Course: 6030
Tuition: $335.00
Recommended for: D

9:45 - 12:45
3 CEUs
Limited Enrollment

Bone management is one of the key determinants to achieving
success in implant dentistry. When there is inadequate bone,
regenerative surgical procedures become necessary to change
bone morphology and/or grow bone to accommodate implant
placement. This hands-on workshop demonstrates how to manipulate bone successfully and grow bone through guided bone
regeneration (GBR), onlay bone grafting and ridge split/expansion
procedures. In the hands-on program, participants will harvest
and fix the onlay bone grafts on as well as attempt bone expan-

sion/split techniques.
Learn to:
* to become acquainted with general considerations and
principles for optimal bone manipulation
* the indications and contra-indications for different bone
grafting techniques
* principles for onlay bone grafting / guided bone regeneration
and ridge expansion
Presiding: Barry Sporer, D.M.D., New York, NY
Chairman, Peer Review, New York County Dental Society

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Course: 6040
Tuition: $335.00
Recommended for: D, H, A, R, S

1:30 - 4:30
3 CEUs
Limited Enrollment

This hands-on workshop discusses various methods of extracting
severely compromised teeth while preserving the surrounding
bone and soft tissue. Soft tissue manipulation and site preparation for the implant is clearly demonstrated in the clinical photos
and radiographs throughout the program. Everything we do in
dentistry has certain specific principals that should be followed
from diagnosis, treatment planning to delivering the final restoration. Immediate extraction implant placement has specific principals that must be followed as well to insure long term success.
* to diagnose, treatment plan, place and restore
* how to make immediate provisional restorations
* about socket grafting for delayed placement
Presiding: Dipika T. Shah, D.D.S., Holmdel, NJ
Member, New Jersey Dental Association

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Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016

Table of Contents
Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - Cover1
Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - Cover2
Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - A
Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - B
Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - 1
Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - 2
Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - 3
Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - 4
Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - 5
Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - 6
Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - 7
Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - 8
Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - Table of Contents
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Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - 11
Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - 12
Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - 13
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Greater New York Dental Meeting Program Guide 2016 - Cover3
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