contents March 2009 24 18 17 In Every Issue 4 Learning As We Go We aren’t experts; we’re learning along with you. By Christine Crosby GRAND VIEW 18 On the Cover: Betsey Johnson The Hippest Grand of All? By Mary Ann Cooper 28 The Perils of the Purse By Debbie Baisden 11 GRAND CENTRAL What’s in your handbag? A toddler will find out fast. Betsey Johnson has been channeling her inner child for 40 fashion seasons. 30 Take Care Old favorites make a return in hard times; dancing can help your g’kid learn to read. IsN’T IT GRAND? juggling, juggle joy. 17 22 saying Goodbye By Judy Pugh By Ruth Nathan Should we be concerned about social networking on Webkinz? The Editor’s Podcast While you’re By Wendy Reid Crisp When both parents were deployed in the military, the child went to the grandmother. 34 sexy at sixty By Al Martinez 41 REsOURCEs 4 4 GRAND FINALE By Rita C. O’Connell There’s something delicious about being a grandparent. 26 Necessities, Not By Jeanne Sager To My Daughter- in-Law Fancy gadgets for the new baby? Don’t be ridiculous. 36 50 ‘Hidden Treasure’ state Parks By Kara Williams So many places to go, so many experiences to share. 11 6 GRAND MARCH 2009 cOvEr phOTO By BryAn BEDDEr/gETTy IMAgES, ThIS pAgE: ScOTT grIES/gETTy IMAgES