GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 13

tips & hints + GRAND CENTRAL share & show + comments & conversation + links & legacies + wise whys & wherefores CRisp piCks: EDitoR’s ChoiCE We’re not fast-food freaks, so when we were asked to try Aunt Trudy’s fillo pocket sandwiches, we said, yeah, sure— and when they came, we casually popped them in the microwave…and both my husband (organic roasted vegetable) and I (organic 3-bean chili) swooned. In a good way. There are 12 varieties of these fillodough, light, tasty, satisfying treats, perfect for having on hand (about $2.50 each) when you’re hosting the g’kids (who, according to research, haven’t eaten a vegetable in six months). Available online  or at Wellness Grocer  or in the real world at Whole Foods Markets. What’s Your Trade? Lemonade… Ask me again, and I’ll tell you the same. The lines may be old, but a child’s desire to be an entrepreneur is as fresh as those lemons better be. Here are some tips for setting up the g’kids’ college-fund stand: Making the stand • Stack a wooden plank or old bookshelf on top of milk crates or cinder blocks; cover with a Dollar Store tablecloth or paint/decorate/stencil the plank. Stash the cash and extra cups and napkins on the shelves. • Create a canopy for a small wooden table. (You’ll need four 3 1/2- to 4-foot laths; a drill; screws; tacks; strong, flexible wire; and enough fabric to drape over the frame.) Fasten a lath firmly to each table leg with two screws so that it sticks up above the table and doesn’t rotate. Place a tack in the top of each lath and stretch the wire around the tacks to connect the four poles. Drape the fabric over the frame; use additional tacks to secure in place. ( continued on page 14) Aedan, CA Joe, OK Alex, MI Sophia, FL Avery, NJ JULY Click and connect to more resources instantly where you see this symbol:  2009 GRAND 13

GRAND Magazine - July 2009

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of GRAND Magazine - July 2009

GRAND Magazine - July 2009
GRAND Central
Grands Across the Sea
O, Say, Can You Sing?
Hear and Now
GRAND’s 2009 Sexiest Granddads
Nailing It
Reader's Write
GRAND Finale
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - intro
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND Magazine - July 2009
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Cover2
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 3
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Contents
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 5
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 6
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 7
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 8
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 9
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 10
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 11
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 12
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND Central
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 14
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 15
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 16
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 17
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 18
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 19
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 20
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 21
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Grands Across the Sea
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 23
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 24
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 25
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 26
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 27
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - O, Say, Can You Sing?
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 29
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Hear and Now
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 31
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Ask GRAND
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 33
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND’s 2009 Sexiest Granddads
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 35
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 36
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 37
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 38
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 39
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 40
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 41
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Nailing It
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 43
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 44
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 45
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Reader's Write
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 47
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 48
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 49
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 50
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 51
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 52
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Resources
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND Finale
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 55
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Cover3
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Cover4