GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 17
However, if we publish your photograph, we will send you a nice thank-you prize—such as a kid-friendly CD—donated by one of GRAND’s advertising partners. 5. All published photos will be accompanied by identifying captions and the photographer’s credits. 6. Send your jpg attachments to GRAND’s editor in chief, Wendy Reid Crisp, at And just think of the public service you’ll be rendering! If you don’t send us your best g’kid photos, you will spend the rest of your GRAND-reading life looking at (outrageously adorable, of course) pictures of Cooper and Carson Crisp. “Your Best Shot” photographers published in the August and September issues of GRAND will receive European Playground, a CD from Putumayo Kids. For 10 years Putumayo Kids has been taking families on world adventures through music. Spies? Or Protectors? Summer means a lot of kids staying at home, unsupervised, freely browsing the ’net. Caregivers may be tempted by eBlaster , a program that lets parents view what the kids have been viewing. What’s possible? Checking the history of everywhere on the ’net the kids have been, activity on social networking sites, and whether or not they have multiple accounts. This info is sent as an activity report via e-mail (or it can be reviewed from a site account). The software’s detailed nature is sure to make it so parents are never uninformed . We teens don’t mind parents knowing what we’re doing on social networking—what we really mind is a parent going into private messages, aka snooping. That’s a breach of privacy and trust, especially if the parent hasn’t told the kid that they are monitoring his content. Most of the time, a good caregiver-child relationship is better than snooping. Also, this software slows down the ’net by a ton. Countless times, I’ve waited upwards of 30 seconds for a page to load on our 3 mbps network while my dad’s computer loaded pages in 2-5 seconds. —Matthew Lestina, Teen Advisor for GRAND (TAG), Mercerville, New Jersey (If your grandchild would like to serve on GRAND’s TAGteam, have her, or him, e-mail the editor at Jobs for the 50+ Haley, WA job seeker. JULY 2009 GRAND 17 Log on today! Click and connect to more resources instantly where you see this symbol:
GRAND Magazine - July 2009
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of GRAND Magazine - July 2009
GRAND Magazine - July 2009
GRAND Central
Grands Across the Sea
O, Say, Can You Sing?
Hear and Now
GRAND’s 2009 Sexiest Granddads
Nailing It
Reader's Write
GRAND Finale
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - intro
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND Magazine - July 2009
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Cover2
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 3
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Contents
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 5
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 6
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 7
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 8
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 9
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 10
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 11
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 12
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND Central
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 14
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 15
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 16
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 17
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 18
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 19
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 20
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 21
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Grands Across the Sea
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 23
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 24
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 25
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 26
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 27
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - O, Say, Can You Sing?
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 29
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Hear and Now
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 31
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Ask GRAND
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 33
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND’s 2009 Sexiest Granddads
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 35
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 36
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 37
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 38
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 39
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 40
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 41
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Nailing It
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 43
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 44
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 45
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Reader's Write
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 47
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 48
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 49
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 50
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 51
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 52
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Resources
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND Finale
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 55
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Cover3
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Cover4