GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 33

important that you not push her away with criticism or anger. New mothers have hormones running wild, are sleep deprived and overwhelmed by their new parenting role. Both your daughter and your son-in-law need understanding, support and TLC. After all, you are still her mother and can offer all of the above. You are a family. Also, your daughter may be feeling guilty for not choosing you. Explain that although you would have loved to have been present at the birth of your grandbaby, you are excited to be a grandmother and you love your daughter and want to remain an integral part of her life. Set aside your wounded feelings, continue in your mothering role and begin to enjoy your role as a grandmother. Bring your daughter meals, offer to babysit, and think of other LLLad_grand:Layout 1 8/1/08 8:40 AM Page 1 thoughtful things you might do. While it is unfortunate that your daughter chose the biological grandmother over you, I urge you to accept this biological mother as the woman who gave you your daughter and honor the fact that you have loved your daughter and have done your best to provide her with a good home. Your daughter is likely quite confused by the emotions she is experiencing that were evoked by the discovery of her biological mother and her own motherhood. She needs your forgiveness and support. Ideally, time will smooth things between you. Meanwhile, do your best to be an “essential” grandparent. Your grandbaby is oblivious to all of these interactions—and is ready to respond to your love and care. Remember, there’s no such thing as too much love. G Your daughter may feel guilty for not choosing you. Help your grandbabies grow! As a grandparent, you may wonder what your role is in the development of your breastfed grandchild. It’s simple: support! Supporting a mother’s decision to breastfeed is perhaps one of the most important things you can do for her, as well as for your grandchild. Breastfed babies receive important immunities through mother’s milk, and have decreased incidences of certain infections, diabetes, obesity, and SIDS. Breastfed babies, when followed over time, also tend to have an IQ that is higher than formula-fed babies. New Beginnings is the only magazine dedicated to breastfeeding and related topics. Purchase a subscription for your daughter or daughter-in-law as your show of support for your grandchild receiving the best possible gifts—human milk, and the many benefits that come with it. NEW BEGINNINGS Magazine To order, call: 800-LALECHE 6 issues, $20 JULY 2009 GRAND 33

GRAND Magazine - July 2009

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of GRAND Magazine - July 2009

GRAND Magazine - July 2009
GRAND Central
Grands Across the Sea
O, Say, Can You Sing?
Hear and Now
GRAND’s 2009 Sexiest Granddads
Nailing It
Reader's Write
GRAND Finale
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - intro
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND Magazine - July 2009
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Cover2
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 3
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Contents
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 5
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 6
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 7
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 8
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 9
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 10
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 11
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 12
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND Central
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 14
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 15
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 16
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 17
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 18
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 19
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 20
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 21
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Grands Across the Sea
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 23
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 24
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 25
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 26
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 27
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - O, Say, Can You Sing?
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 29
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Hear and Now
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 31
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Ask GRAND
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 33
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND’s 2009 Sexiest Granddads
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 35
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 36
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 37
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 38
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 39
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 40
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 41
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Nailing It
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 43
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 44
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 45
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Reader's Write
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 47
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 48
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 49
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 50
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 51
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 52
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Resources
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND Finale
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 55
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Cover3
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Cover4