GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 52

header G R A N D PA Rt N e R s f o R G R A N D PA R e N ts it’s YouR caBle - You deseRve a choice What would happen if you went to a newsstand to buy Time magazine and were told you also had to purchase People or Playboy? You’d take your business elsewhere, wouldn’t you? But what if that were the only newsstand in town and you couldn’t take your business elsewhere? You have to either take the “bundled” magazines, or do without. Everyday a similar scenario is playing out all across this country, only instead of the owner of the local newsstand; it is cable companies that are forcing American consumers to pay for channels they don’t want in order to get access to channels they do want. Basic cable has become a kind of Pandora’s Box for families. Many parents welcome basic cable into their homes because it opens up a whole universe of family-friendly programming. But to access these educational and family-friendly networks like the Discovery Channel, they are also forced to pay for channels like MTV and FX that they don’t want and that actually make their job as a parent and TV cop much more difficult. So why is it that we cannot pick and choose – and pay for – only the cable networks we want in our homes? Because the cable network programmers have a chokehold on the public. They make billions of dollars every year by forcing you to pay them for channels you don’t watch, don’t want, and may actually find offensive. And unlike the newsstand analogy, the programmers force their bundle onto every distributor, whether it is a cable system or a satellite operator. There is no alternative. You deserve a choice. You shouldn’t be forced to subsidize cable channels that offend your values. The Parents Television Council is leading the fight to make cable choice a reality for America’s families. Offering parents the ability to choose the channels they want, and to pay only for those channels, puts power back in the hands of the consumer – of parents – and forces the producers of indecent or violent programming to fund their own raunch. The cable industry has been carried on the backs of American consumers long enough. It is time for this extortion to end. You can learn more about cable choice and calculate what your cable bill would be if you had the ability to opt out of the channels you don’t want at Visit www.ParentsTV. org to learn more about what you can do to protect the children in your life from media’s harmful influences. The Parents Television Council (PTC) is recognized under Federal tax code as a 501 (c)(3) public charity and receives 90% of its support from individual donors throughout the United States. 52 GRAND JANUARY FEBRUARY 2008

GRAND Magazine - July 2009

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of GRAND Magazine - July 2009

GRAND Magazine - July 2009
GRAND Central
Grands Across the Sea
O, Say, Can You Sing?
Hear and Now
GRAND’s 2009 Sexiest Granddads
Nailing It
Reader's Write
GRAND Finale
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - intro
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND Magazine - July 2009
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Cover2
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 3
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Contents
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 5
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 6
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 7
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 8
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 9
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 10
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 11
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 12
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND Central
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 14
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 15
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 16
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 17
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 18
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 19
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 20
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 21
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Grands Across the Sea
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 23
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 24
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 25
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 26
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 27
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - O, Say, Can You Sing?
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 29
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Hear and Now
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 31
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Ask GRAND
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 33
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND’s 2009 Sexiest Granddads
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 35
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 36
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 37
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 38
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 39
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 40
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 41
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Nailing It
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 43
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 44
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 45
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Reader's Write
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 47
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 48
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 49
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 50
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 51
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 52
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Resources
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - GRAND Finale
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - 55
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Cover3
GRAND Magazine - July 2009 - Cover4