GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 37

G R A N D PA RT N E R S F O R G R A N D PA R E N TS Respite (rěs´pit) n. 1. A temporary cessation or postponement, usually of something difficult; an interval of rest or relief 2. To provide with a period of temporary rest or relief Family caregivers are on the roller coaster ride of their lives. Whether they get off the ride shaken or ready to go again depends on the help and support they receive along the way. The longer the caregiving assignment and the more chronic the condition of the care recipient, the more important it is to have respite from caregiving responsibilities. Social Networks: family, care recipient and caregivers There should be three social networks operating in any caregiving situation: family, care recipient’s social network and the caregiver’s social network. The family network is critical, because the responsibility of caregiving falls to the family usually the spouse or adult children. Use your CareGiverHelper family community to keep all of your social networks apprised of the ongoing caregiving situation and ask for help when needed. The care recipient’s circle of friends including church and club members is an important part of your social support network. These people can help by spending time with the care recipient; fill in for an hour or two; or run an errand if you always have a “to do” list handy. The most important network is the caregiver’s private social network: a group of people not connected to the care recipient in any way. This network includes co-workers, members of church, clubs or caregiving support group that you belong to. Be sure to include plenty of friends and at least one really good one! This social network can be used to look for answers to problems, venting anger, frustration, fears or simply forgetting about caregiving responsibilities for a time by relaxing and having fun. Respite Time Respite is an opportunity to forget, about the responsibilities, cares and concerns of caregiving. Respite is a bubble bath or trip to the spa; coffee with a friend or seeing the latest exhibition at the museum; a night bowling with friends, 18 holes of golf, or a tennis match; a trip to the hair salon; or taking a one day class. Respite activities allow the caregiver to maintain a sense of self beyond their care recipient and caregiving responsibilities. This can be difficult to manage without some help and some planning. One of the ways to arrange respite time is to stay in contact with your Family Community at CareGiverHelper and let friends and family know when you need them to run a few errands, fill in for you physically at the house, or transport a loved one to or from the doctor’s office. Even though it may seem impossible, respite time is necessary for the health of the caregiver. Take some time today. “People with many interests live, not only longest, but happiest.” –George Matthew Allen

GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010

GRAND Magazine - January 2010
WinShape Homes: Chick-fil-A’s Best-Kept Secret
GRAND Central
Meet Kay Glynn: America’s Fittest Grandmom
Fighting Fat in Kids
Hidden Sugars
The Coming Caregiver Crunch
The Secret World of Grandparents
Cyber-Savvy GRAND
GRAND Finale
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 5
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - GRAND Magazine - January 2010
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - Cover2
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 3
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 4
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 5
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - Contents
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 7
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 8
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 9
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - WinShape Homes: Chick-fil-A’s Best-Kept Secret
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 11
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 12
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 13
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 14
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - GRAND Central
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 16
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 17
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 18
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 19
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 20
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 21
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - Meet Kay Glynn: America’s Fittest Grandmom
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 23
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 24
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 25
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - Fighting Fat in Kids
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 27
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - Hidden Sugars
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 29
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - The Coming Caregiver Crunch
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 31
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - The Secret World of Grandparents
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 33
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - Cyber-Savvy GRAND
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 35
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - GRAND Ride
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 37
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 38
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 39
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 40
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 41
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - 42
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - RESOURCES
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - GRAND Finale
GRAND Magazine - January/February 2010 - Cover4